Technical Testing

Penetration Testing

The value of your security tools is significantly diminished when they are operated by unqualified individuals. Haphazardly deploying and using these tools could have disastrous effects on a technical environment. Let us find what others miss.

Internal Penetration

Our internal penetration testing methodology provides a comprehensive picture of your security risks in your private IT environment. It includes system discovery and enumeration, profiling of targets, exploitation and testing, vulnerability assessment, and results analysis and reporting.

External Penetration

External penetration assessments are intended to evaluate your vulnerability to attacks by malicious external sources. It includes foot printing the network, performing detailed vulnerability analysis, manual and automated analysis, targeted “spear phishing”, and documentation of results and recommendations. We can also perform wireless network penetration testing.

Web Application

Web Application testing focuses on identifying weakness and vulnerabilities in your web applications and services. Using both manual tools and the latest automated technology, we identify vulnerabilities that are missed by other assessment teams.

Gray / Black Box

Gray Box testing works with limited knowledge of your environment and produces more reliable and actionable results, while Black Box testing is useful to determine the detection capabilities of your security program.

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